Dirty Old Man: When the girls visit the pool at the city, Cocoa convinces everybody to try on swimsuits they wouldn't normally wear.Cuddle Bug: Seems to have a thing about cuddling Chino and Tippy, which disturbs them both.Though it doesn't work very well on Chino, Megu seems to buy it. Cool Big Sis: She tries to act like one.Syaro ends up having to point to the very house she just came out of. After Chino tries to apologize for assuming she was Secretly Wealthy, Cocoa instead asks where Syaro's house is at. Then she, Chino, and Rize see Syaro coming out of the house right next to Chiya's cafe. In one example during S1E07, she asks Chiya where Syaro lives. Cloud Cuckoolander: About as much as you can get.Clingy Jealous Girl: Won't allow anyone else to take away Chino as their "little sister".Cheerful Child: She is absolutely adorable when she was younger, as seen in S1E09 ◊ when talking to Chino's grandfather before he became a rabbit.Big Sister Instinct: Considers Chino to be her surrogate little sister much to the latter's initial annoyance.

Syaro wonders how she gets so easily distracted. She gets into the thousands, then turns her head, notices a picture album, and gets distracted by that. In S1E10, she starts spouting off prime numbers.Later when she spots a rabbit, she chases after it, completely forgetting about looking for the pen. She looks under a bench without any luck. In S1E09, she goes to the park to help look for Aoyama's lost fountain pen.She works at the Kafuu family's café Rabbit House along with Chino and Rize, and attends the half-timbered town's public high school with Chiya and (as of vol. She is quite keen on cute things, considers Chino her little sister, and has a very skewed sense of where her talents lie. A ditzy teenage girl who moves from the countryside to the half-timbered town, where she stays at the Kafuu residence as part of a work/study program.